01284 761 131

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Another successful Blackpool Show of the Year

The Harkers team arrived home safely after another successful Blackpool Show over the weekend, despite the weather on the last day doing its best to cause havoc. New products on show 4-in-1 Soluble and Harka-Dip were both really well received. Fanciers particularly liked the excellent value 4-in-1 represents, treating 50 birds with such ease through the drinking water for four different conditions with just one bottle. A new favourite for those wishing to treat a flock of birds whilst still available in tablet form for more control when dealing with individual birds. Treating 50 birds with just one bottle, 4-in-1 in its soluble format caught the eye of the fancy and sold extremely well at the special show price of £19 (normal RRP £19.99).

Fanciers stocked up on Harka-Dip ready for later in the season to prevent and treat external parasites as the weather warms up. With few general purpose dips on the market to fight against parasites, at £7.99 it offers exceptional value for money.

Professor John Cooper and his veterinary student assistant Jessica French joined the Harkers team on the stand for the duration of the show. They were constantly busy analysing dropping and feather samples brought to the stand by fanciers. John and Jessica provided invaluable advice to fanciers on all manner of pigeon healthcare related issues over the two days of the show.


Topet Nutrition, a popular addition to the Harkers range, collected feedback from fanciers as it prepares to be launched into the market. Fanciers can look forward to the range being rolled out to the wider trade in the near future – watch this space!

Faye Bullard

Hormoform New Formula

New Formula with added Beetroot Powder – for improved digestion, brain function, and race performance


Tried, tested, and recommended by leading fanciers for more than 70 years!


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