August marks the beginning of the pigeon moulting season so it is key all fanciers are well prepared to ensure a fast and healthy moult is achieved. Research has suggested that supplements fed to pigeons during the moult are essential for speeding up the process and crucial to ensure a bird is in top condition, […]

Wonder Pigeon review by fancier Richard Boylin
Wonder Pigeon from Harkers The sport of pigeon racing has changed considerably these last 50 years, today’s fanciers are always seeking an edge on their fellow competitors which will enable them to try and keep ahead of the opposition. While there have been many changes in many aspects of husbandry, feeding, transport etc., healthy pigeons have to be […]

Pro B – superior supplementary feed launched at Blackpool
Officially launched at the British Homing World Show of the Year, Harker’s have unveiled the latest addition to their extensive product range of treatments and nutritional products for homing, racing and show pigeons The new and exclusive probiotic, in powder format, has been proven to improve the intestinal condition in birds. The formula contains “Calsporin” […]

Blackpool 2016 Show of the Year
The Blackpool 2016 Show of the Year was a great success for Harkers. As well as showcasing lots of fanciers’ favourite products, we launched two brand new ones: Harkers 4 in 1, selling out by Saturday afternoon, and Harkers Pro B for intestinal health. We presented our 2015 Bird of the Year winners with their […]

Harkers 4 in 1 Launches
Harkers, the leading provider of treatments and nutritional products for homing, racing and show pigeons has launched a Harkers 4 in 1 treatment which will save pigeon fanciers time and money. The new and exclusive oral tablet treatment works to control internal and external parasites, coccidiosis and canker often found in adult pigeons. Harkers 4 […]