01284 761 131

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Hormoform Bird of the Year 2016

The Harker’s “Bird of The Year” 2016 competition is now open for entries. A perennial favourite on the bird fancier’s calendar, entries are invited from racing pigeon owners from the UK. There are two entry categories, split as 300 miles plus and those racing under 300 miles. The prizes are bigger and better this year with three prizes in each category the winner, a runner up and a third place and new for 2016, every entrant will receive a 20% off Harkers voucher and free product sample.

The 2015 competition saw M Connoly & Son take first place in the 300 + Mile category with impressive results including North Road Championship Club Lewick 1st club, 1st section/fed, 18th open and North Road Championship Club Thurso 1st club, 1st section/fed, 19th open. The winner in the less than 300-mile category went to G Sanders with 7 x 1st club 2015, 5 x 1st section/fed 2015 and 5 x 1st open 2015.

The two winners of this year’s competition will not only receive a £250 Harkers voucher and a massive 20kg bag of Hormoform, they will also receive the coveted Hormoform “Bird of the Year” trophy, which will be presented at the 2017 Blackpool Pigeon Show. Second prize will receive a £100 voucher and a 5kg bag of Hormoform and 3rd place will receive a £50 voucher and a 2.5kg bag of Hormoform. Everyone who enters will receive a voucher for 20% off all Harkers products to be redeemed at the Blackpool Show and will also pick up a free 50g Wonder Pigeon sample.

Download the entry form here – Harkers Bird of Year Entry Form 2016

Entries must be received by Friday 11th November. Look out for the winners on our website, Facebook page and in the British Homing World and Racing Pigeon on Friday 2nd December.


Faye Bullard

Hormoform New Formula

New Formula with added Beetroot Powder – for improved digestion, brain function, and race performance


Tried, tested, and recommended by leading fanciers for more than 70 years!


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