01284 761 131

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Harkers 4 in 1 soluble

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

New from Harkers – Ridmite – A double action formula to control mites

With the summer months approaching, proactive pigeon fanciers are gearing themselves up for the invasion of red mite, which frequently invade lofts, cages, hutches and coops at this time of the year.

Frequent inspections and cleaning of accommodation to prevent as well as treating the problem will go a long way to ensuring birds stay healthy and not affected by the many health problems associated with red mite.Ridmite

Harkers has recently launched Ridmite, a non-insecticidal liquid concentrate which helps prevent and remove mites from pigeon lofts and is also useful for poultry houses and small animal hutches etc. Perfectly safe for use without removing the birds, Ridmite also works as a multi-purpose cleaner, sanitizer and odour eliminator.

The concentrated liquid needs diluting before use and once applied will cleanse an area within 48 hours and continue to protect for up to six weeks.

For more information on how Ridmite works and to buy, click here

Faye Bullard

Hormoform New Formula

New Formula with added Beetroot Powder – for improved digestion, brain function, and race performance


Tried, tested, and recommended by leading fanciers for more than 70 years!


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