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4 in 1 Soluble

Available Now

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

4 in 1 Soluble

Available Now

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

Spartrix – A one tablet canker treatment for Pigeons


Spartrix is a one tablet treatment for canker.
It is important to treat parent stock before mating, as canker can be passed to the young when feeding.

Now re-packaged in a tub containing 50 tablets.

Not to be used on on birds for human consumption 


SKU: SPA200 Category:


Spartrix is a one tablet canker treatment

  • Spartrix is in a handy tablet form so pigeons can be treated individually ensuring all birds receive the required dose
  • 50 tablets, 1 tablet per bird
  • Whenever canker is seen, all birds should be treated
  • Containing 10mg Carnidazole
  • Adult birds should be treated before breeding and again before racing season
  • Young birds should be treated with half a tablet at weaning or before flying out

Prefer to treat canker with a soluble treatment? Click here for product information on Harkanker.

Additional information

Weight 0.69 kg
Dimensions 7 × 9.5 × 2 cm
Active Ingredients

Carnidazole 10.0mg

Dosage and Administration

Dose 20mg/kg bodyweight.
Adult pigeons: One tablet per bird.
Young, weaned pigeons: Half a tablet per bird.
Young pigeons: At weaning
Adult pigeons: Before mating; during the first part of the brooding period; after return from races when the birds have been in travel boxes/baskets. It is important to treat parent stock before mating, as canker can be passed to the young when feeding.
For oral administration.
The tablet (Half tablet) is placed directly into the mouth. To assist dosing the pigeon should be held by a second person. The tablet should be gently pushed through the open beak and throat as far as possible into the gullet. All birds in the loft should preferably be treated before feeding. At the time of treatment no drinking troughs should be present until 2 hours after treatment when they can be returned to the loft after thorough disinfection. All pigeons in the loft should be treated simultaneously to prevent untreated birds acting as a source of re-infection.

Repeat the treatment when the possibility of re-infection is high – at the start of the reproductive period, at the beginning of brooding, when bringing in new birds.

Contra-Indications and Warnings

For use in pigeons only.
Not for use in pigeons intended for human consumption.
USER WARNINGS: Direct contact with the product must be avoided. Wear impermeable gloves when handling the product. Wash hands immediately after administration of the tablets to birds and after clearing waste from treated birds.
Do not touch the eyes while handling the product. In case of accidental eye contact, wash the eye thoroughly with water. If, after handling the product, irritation develops, wash the affected area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.

Shelf Life

Once the tub has been opened for the first time, the
shelf life is 3 months providing the tablets are kept in
their original container.


Do not store above 25ºC. Store in a dry place.


Q: Do I need to give less to a young bird?
A: Half of a tablet should be given to young birds at weaning.

Q: Can I give Spartrix to birds that are feeding young?
A: No, Spartrix cannot be given to birds that are still feeding young.


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